Facebook Events is a Great Feature for Facebook Marketing

Facebook marketing

Making gradual posts to Facebook timeline and pages is already a common practice. It brings growing traffic and keeps your audience informed, updated and instructed. But there’s always a need to add something new to your content marketing. And Facebook Events feature can diverse your Facebook strategy.

Read more about Facebook events

Facebook events is a great way to grab more attention from your readers and deeply involve them into your promo campaign. You can create a hype around something you promote using originality, anticipation and scarcity motives. And Facebook events have all needed elements for that.

You can use original name and engaging description to attract more people. And eye-catching event photos will give you even more authenticity. Keyword tags – a great optimization feature – they will allow Facebook suggest your event to all Facebook users with similar interests.

You can also set an offline venue for your event and localize your audience. Or you can use Facebook ads option with its great interest search to gain extra reach.

What we like the most about Facebook events is that they are a great way of interaction and communication. From your side you will be able to pin articles to your events and make other posts with updates, announcements or relevant stories. Your followers on their end can leave comments and participate in discussions.

As it appears, Facebook event is a great feature for Facebook marketing. And a good news for RSS Ground users is that we plan to add Facebook events option to our RSS Feeds to Facebook Poster. You will be able to automate sending relevant posts to your Facebook event wall using RSS feeds of your blogs or other quality content sources.

Facebook events posting feature will be available very soon. Follow our blog with latest updates.

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